Array 152, 48"x48"x3"
Array 152 is a large, 48"x48" painting that will impress your friends when they visit. Lots of white with many layers of color add to the complexity of this substancial piece.
Many layers of molten, colored beeswax paint create subtle, translucency, will add a serene, colorful and rich element to your home. Found in tombs in Egypt, dating from about 3000bc, it has proved to be very archival.
My system of painting that allows me to feel my way through, letting me explore concepts, shapes, color, depth, and ideas.
Encaustic is one of the most archival and ancient mediums used to create art. The surface of these paintings is hardened by the addition of Damar resin which is melted along with the beeswax. If it gets fingerprints, etc., just polish with a soft cloth. Do not use any liquid cleaner. Do not store below 40 degrees or over 100 degrees. If a painting gets chipped you can ship it to me( with return postage) for a free repair, please send the chip as well.
Shipping by UPS
When you place your order the shipping costs will be calculated based on your location and weight of painting.